Custom Remedies
for male pattern baldness, receding hair line, and brittle hair in men.
30 daily-dose packs for $36.99

Purpose Contents
Sta-Hair! was formulated as nutritive support for male pattern baldness and receding hairline in men. The goal: to reduce DHT levels (by acting as a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor) that cause Androgenic Alopecia, and to increase hair strength to limit breakage.
Saw Palmetto
Folic Acid
Vitamin B-6

Your Daily Dose Other Benefits
5 capsules, 2 tablets, 1 caplet- 1 of each type in the morning, remaining in evening. If there is only one of a particular type, take it in the evening before bed.
Packaging: 1 chamber "daily dose" resealable bags.
Results seen in 2-3 months (hair grows slow). Maintenance required.
Daily DoseSta Hair
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (Prostate Enlargement) support

Lifestyle Tips
Nizoral commonly used to treat dandruff has shown promise in regrowth. Its active ingredient, Ketoconazole, an antifungal reduces testosterone levels around the follicle. Some recent studies have indicated comparative effectiveness to minoxidil 2%.
Creams containing azelaic acid such as Skinoren have also proven effective at hormone reduction around the follicle.
Usage in combination with minoxidil solutions such as Rogaine offer maximum benefit. Minoxidil grows hair, Sta-Hair helps the body keep it.
Trentinoin creams such as Retin-A and Retinova have shown promise of enhancing the beneficial effects of minoxidil by facilitating absorption. Some adverse side effects have been seen using this combination with the 5% minoxidil solution, however and therefore it may only be safe to use 2% solutions.
Nutri-Ox and Ion hair conditioners are helpful for strength and body.
Eat a half cup of jello daily.
The anti-oxidant and free radical fighting potential of green tea has shown promise in fighting androgenic alopecia.
Avoid high-heat hair driers.
Towel dry gently.
Avoid coloring, perming, and other chemical hair treatments as they make the hair more brittle.
Men should avoid soy products including protein supplements based on soy. If protein supplementation is part of your routine, seek whey-based supplementation. Soy has the potential of increasing estrogen levels causing hair loss.

If you have a known allergy to any of the ingredients you should not take this product.
This is a supplement for men and should not be taken by women, or to fight hair loss due to other conditions.
Sta-Hair should not be taken with prescription prostate and hair regrowth medications such as Propecia.
Since Sta-Hair reduces fall out and helps the body keep hair, this will increase hair coverage everywhere by reducing natural shedding.
People taking phenytoin for seizures should not supplement with folic acid.
Folic acid could interfere with the effectiveness of pyrimethamine.
Zinc and tetracycline should not be mixed. Take at least two hours apart.
For maximum effectiveness, Zinc should not be taken with coffee or products containing high calcium such as milk and cheese
Vitamin B-6 can increase the rate of absorption of barbiturate drugs.
Vitamin B-6 can dramatically interfere with the effectiveness of levodopa for Parkinson’s disease. B-6 supplementation should be avoided by people taking levodopa unless carbidopa is also taken which will eliminate the interference effects.
No additional B-6 or Zinc supplementation should be taken.
For advanced cases, this product may not be helpful. If your follicles are still "alive" indicated by a light "peach fuzz" covering the surface of the scalp, this product may help.

Sta-Hair Info Sheet and Label - Adobe Acrobat File

It is important to know that any claim as to benefits or potential benefits of the contents of this supplement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Benefits should be considered potential benefits not guarantees or promises. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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